
Game Inventory

Simplify the experience for your users by showing them only the assets relevant to your game or app.

Available Platforms

View Assets from a Single Contract

Sequence Kit combines our Indexer with elegant out-of-the-box UI, to simplify realtime inventory viewing and management.

Not connected

1 import { useOpenWalletModal } from "@0xsequence/kit-wallet";
2 import { useOpenConnectModal } from "@0xsequence/kit";
3 import { useAccount } from "wagmi";
4 import { arbitrumSepolia } from "wagmi/chains";
5 import { WalletConnectionDetail } from "~/components/wallet-connection-detail/WalletConnectionDetail";
6 export const ContractInventoryWidget = () => {
7 const { address } = useAccount();
8 const { setOpenConnectModal } = useOpenConnectModal();
9 const { setOpenWalletModal } = useOpenWalletModal();
10 return address ? (
11 <>
12 <WalletConnectionDetail address={address} />
13 <button
14 onClick={() =>
15 setOpenWalletModal(true, {
16 defaultNavigation: {
17 location: "collection-details",
18 params: {
19 contractAddress: "0x36631c1e690714192614364ae9629850b546d194",
20 chainId: arbitrumSepolia.id,
21 },
22 },
23 })
24 }
25 >
26 Open Wallet Inventory
27 </button>
28 </>
29 ) : (
30 <>
31 <p>Not connected</p>
32 <button onClick={() => setOpenConnectModal(true)}>Connect</button>
33 </>
34 );
35 };