
User Authentication with Sequence

Everything starts with user authentication.

Authentication made easy.

Sequence provides a wide variety of authentication options, from web2 to web3. All easily configurable and customizable for your brand.
9 lines collapsed
10 <WalletConnectionDetail address={address} />
11 <button onClick={() => disconnect()}>Disconnect</button>
3 lines collapsed
15 <p>Not connected</p>
16 <button onClick={() => setOpenConnectModal(true)}>Connect</button>
3 lines collapsed

Not connected

That's how simple it is.

Go ahead, try with your email or social to see the power of Sequence embedded wallets.

Sign a message

No popups, no modals. Seamless UX with a cross-platform, non-custodial wallet.
1 import { useEffect } from "react";
2 import { useAccount, useSignMessage } from "wagmi";
3 import { WalletConnectionDetail } from "~/components/wallet-connection-detail/WalletConnectionDetail";
4 interface Props {
5 setData: (data: `0x${string}` | undefined) => void;
6 }
7 export const SignMessageWidget = (props: Props) => {
8 const { setData } = props;
9 const { address } = useAccount();
10 const { isPending, data, signMessage } = useSignMessage();
11 useEffect(() => setData(data));
12 return address ? (
13 <>
14 <WalletConnectionDetail address={address} />
15 {isPending ? (
16 <button className="ghost">Pending...</button>
17 ) : (
18 <button onClick={() => signMessage({ message: "hello" })}>
19 Sign "hello"
20 </button>
21 )}
22 {data ? (
23 <div className="flex flex-col gap-1 items-start px-12 py-1 mt-8">
24 <span className="text-14 opacity-75">Signature</span>
25 <p className="break-all font-mono text-12"> {data}</p>
26 </div>
27 ) : null}
28 </>
29 ) : (
30 <>
31 <p>Not connected</p>
32 </>
33 );
34 };

Connect a wallet test signing a message

Send a transaction

Built on top of wagmi for web, making integration and usage a breeze.
1 import { useAccount, useSendTransaction } from "wagmi";
2 import { useEffect } from "react";
3 import { WalletConnectionDetail } from "~/components/wallet-connection-detail/WalletConnectionDetail";
4 interface Props {
5 setData: (data: `0x${string}` | undefined) => void;
6 }
7 export const SendTestTransactionWidget = (props: Props) => {
8 const { setData } = props;
9 const { address } = useAccount();
10 const { data, sendTransaction, isPending, error } = useSendTransaction();
11 useEffect(() => setData(data), [data, setData]);
12 return address ? (
13 <>
14 <WalletConnectionDetail address={address} />
15 {isPending ? (
16 <button className="ghost">Pending...</button>
17 ) : (
18 <button
19 onClick={() =>
20 sendTransaction({ to: address, value: BigInt(0), gas: null })
21 }
22 >
23 Send Transaction
24 </button>
25 )}
26 {data ? (
27 <div className="flex flex-col gap-1 items-start px-12 py-1 mt-8">
28 <span className="text-14 opacity-75">Transaction hash</span>
29 <p className="break-all font-mono text-12"> {data}</p>
30 </div>
31 ) : null}
32 {error && <p>{error?.message}</p>}
33 </>
34 ) : (
35 <>
36 <p>Not connected</p>
37 </>
38 );
39 };

Connect a wallet to send a transaction

Onboarding is only the beginning.

Check out the rest of the Sequence BluePrints to see how we enable everything from monetization to your backend.

Get started quickly with our range of boilerplates covering a range of frameworks, platforms, and login methods.

  • boilerplateSequence Kit - NextJSDemoSource
  • boilerplateSequence Kit - ReactDemoSource
  • boilerplateSequence Kit - Remix + CloudflareDemoSource
  • boilerplateSequence Kit - Remix + NodeJSDemoSource
  • boilerplateEmbedded Wallet - EmailDemoSource
  • boilerplateEmbedded Wallet - GoogleDemoSource
  • boilerplateEmbedded Wallet - PlayfabSource